Special Needs Population Program
Planning for Special Needs
Some people may have physical, medical or other special needs which can create unique challenges when preparing for, responding to and recovering from a disaster. When creating your emergency preparedness plan, remember to consider your abilities and special needs. Consider creating a help network of friends and family who can help you before, during and after a disaster.
Cleburne EMA has created an emergency preparedness guide and newsletter to help residents with special needs with their personal preparedness planning. The guide is available at public locations throughout the county such as the County Courthouse, Department of Human Resources, EMA office and HEARTS offices in Ranburne and Heflin. You also can download the publications.
Emergency Preparedness Guide
Impact Newsletter
Should You Register With EMA & 911?
Cleburne EMA and 911 have partnered to create a list of county residents with medical, physical and other special needs. Information provided by registrants will be added to the 911 database to enhance emergency planning and response. Registering with the program is free.
After a person registers with the program, their information will be available to Cleburne 911 dispatchers. If a call is made from the telephone number provided by a registered person, their special needs information will appear on the dispatcher’s computer screen. The information may be shared with emergency workers responding to the request for help.
If your address, phone number or special needs information changes after registering, please call the 911 business office to update your record. To contact the 911 office, call 256.463.3820.
Registration Brochure
Registration Form