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Logging Compliance Checklist

Purpose: This document is intended to provide an easy-to-understand collection of common regulations applicable to both logging operators as well as enforcement officials. This document is not conveyed as an exclusive list of all rules and regulations that may apply to logging operations in Cleburne County but rather those most commonly encountered.

Delivery: This checklist is provided at the time the County Engineer issues a “Proper Notice Received Letter” to the timber owner and as such, does not discuss any of the requirements for notice submission to the County Engineer by the timber owner. These requirements are included in the Cleburne County Logging Notice Version 1.0 adopted September 2012 and may be obtained from the County Engineer.

Basis: The following compliance list was comprised from existing regulations in effect as of March 2016:

1. Warning signs in accordance with the national Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices shall be placed upon the roadway right of way 500 feet each side of the entrance to warn of trucks entering the roadway. The County Engineer is required to stock and make available for purchase the specific type of signage that must be used at access points to logging operations. (Resolution 4344-8, 3/2011)

2. There is to be no loading of timber or wood products on any roadway or road right of way and no equipment shall be parked on any county road or right of way. (Resolution 4296-4, 3/2010)

3. Access turnouts will be constructed in such a manner that no damage will be occasioned to the roadway, and no hazard to the traveling public will be created. (Resolution 4296-4, 3/2010)

4. Timber harvesting operations by the applicant shall conform to the best management practices set forth by the Alabama Forestry Commission and abide by the regulations of the Alabama Department of Environmental Management for both installation and maintenance of permitted entrances on the roadways. (Resolution 4296-4, 3/2010)

5. No ditches adjacent to a roadway shall be disturbed. The County Engineer, or his representative, shall determine the need and placement of pipes between the County right of way and the entrance to the timber harvesting operation. Haul roads shall be covered sufficiently in stone to prevent tracking of mud onto the county roadway. (Resolution 4296-4, 3/2010)

6. The timber owner is responsible for keeping and maintaining the roadway used by the timber harvesting operation passable to regular mail, school buses, emergency vehicles, and daily traffic at all times. (Resolution 4296-4, 3/2010)

7. All roadways used by the timber harvesting operation shall be left in as good a condition after the timber harvesting operation as the roadway was in prior to the time it began. (Resolution 4296-4, 3/2010)

8. The operation is not permitted to use the access turnout or adjacent highway right of way for any purpose other than for highway access and for maintenance of the access turnout. All structures, including gas pumps, tanks, sheds, signs, etc. must be places beyond the right of way and in no way encroach thereon. (Resolution 4296-4, 3/2010)

9. Should weather conditions cause tracking of mud onto the county roadway, hauling shall cease immediately until conditions improve to the point that tracking of mud ceases. (Resolution 4296-4, 3/2010)

10. The County Engineer is authorized to assess any damages that might occur on any given logging operation and any size tract and to work with the county attorney to see that the party responsible for damaging the public’s roadway be held financially responsible for the remediation of the roadway by whatever means available. (Resolution 4366, 7/2011)

In Closing: While you have a twelve-month period of authorization, we ask that you notify the Cleburne County Engineer at 256-463-2271 once you have completed the required access point improvements and have required signage in place but prior to timber removal from the tract. Cooperation on this issue will surely benefit all stakeholders.

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